Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wheeler, Our Kitty

This is Wheeler, our outside kitty that we rescued when he was just a tiny thing that could fit in my hands. We went for a drive one Sat. and was behind a pack of people on bikes, I'm sorry if I have offended those that do this but I'm not sure what to call you.....Anyhoooo..this guy stops and squirts water on this tiny black creature that was running after his bike in the middle of the road and surrounded by cars! At first we thought he was a skunk but Wheeler chose at that time to turn around and stare at me while we were creeping along...So I begged DH to stop and I ran out and grabbed him and he purred in my arms the whole way home! Now, He is an outside cat because DH is allergic to cats BUT DH has a soft spot for this cat...Wheeler is allowed to come in and stay in the laundry room if it's cold outside, rainy outside or if DD is at the bus stop and wheeler chases after her, yes DH has a soft spot! We hope that Wheeler will grow up to be a good mouser for our barn, right now he likes to climb up on our bird feeder and try to make nice with the cardinals.

Today was the usual chores, Laundry...getting 2 little ones out the door so that I could get some groceries in this house and tonight we baked DH's cookies, He calls them HACKER cookies. He got the recipe from a book he was reading, basically they are C. Chips with Cocoa thrown in. They are sooooo good!

I'm going to go grab a cuppa tea and a cookie and my good book tonight and enjoy in the silence.

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