My sister Jennifer just found out that her four month old baby girl Emily (my sweet lil niece) has a condition called Craniosynostosis, where the bones that makeup her skull have fused prematurely. This usually happens around the time you quit growing. Since Emily is still growing, her brain has nowhere to go and is literally squeezing itself as it tries to grow. Therefore she is going to have to undergo some pretty major surgery to completely reconstruct her skull. There are very few surgeons nationwide that perform this operation, so they are going to need your prayers to help find a good one, and for a successful completion of the procedure. And they will also obviously need your prayers for a speedy recovery.
Monday the Doctor's start the search for the best Pediatric Neurosurgen in the country, in addition her white blood count is very high and they have to find out why. Tomorrow Jennifer goes back into the Hospital to have Emily's blood checked again.
Lil Emily has a very long hard road ahead of her, Please pray for my lil Niece!
I am so sorry to hear about your nieces condition! I will keep her in my prayers as well as the rest of your family!
Oh Heather, I sure will be praying for little Emily. I have two young sons going through some medical ordeals right now as well and I know your sister's heart must be heavy.
I'll be checking up with you to see how things are going.
With care,
My husband and I will definately keep baby Emily and her parents and family in our prayers..
Baby Emily and your whole family will be in our hearts and prayers. There is strengh in numbers and prayers. God love you all. Kathy and family.
Wow Heather, I will be praying! Emily is beautiful...
Blessings to your family, Kimberly
My thoughts & prayers are with sweet baby Emily and her parents. Trust in the Lord.
My prayers are with you and your sisters family and especially your niece!
May she find the best surgeon for this procedure!
Oh I pray that they will find the perfect specialist to help your little niece. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. It is so sad to see wee one's when they are sick but she will be a strong one...I know she will be.
I will be praying for your family.
I'm so sorry to hear about the news that you received. I will keep you all in my prayers. May God give each of you strength. Just keep in mind that there is power in prayers...God
Bless you all,
Heather my son had this 17 years ago. There is a Doctor here in Tampa that is world reknowned for his work. His name is Dr.Habal(sp) Please feel free to contact me. Tell your sister she is in my prayers it is a scary thing to have a child go through this but they do get through it. My son is now a regular pain in the butt teenager.
here is my email
What a sweetheart.
Sorry to hear what she's is facing.
Prayers being said. (((HUGS)))
I will most definitely be praying for Emily! Please do keep us posted, okay?
I am not sure where your sister is located but in regard to her baby daughters' condition....Dr. Benjamin Carson (director of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins) is supposed to be the best. In fact, there is a TV program on TNT (February 7) called GIFTED HANDS which is based on Dr. Carson's work and his life. This 'made for TV' program is very inspiring because Dr. Carson came from very humbling beginnings, raised by a single mother, he struggled in school until a turning point in his life. He dedicated himself to pediatric neurosurgery and is now the TOP neurosurgery in the country. Do a google search on Dr. Benjamin Carson and John Hopkins. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Oh she's a doll, I will surely add little Emily (and the family) to my prayers...
hugs & prayers-Kath
i will be praying for her and the rest of your family~she is beautiful!
I'm so sorry to hear about this! I will be thinking about your family and hoping for the best....
Oh Heather will be praying for your dear niece and entire family.
I will indeed keep little Emily in my prayers - as well as the rest of your family! Please keep us informed Heather!!
All thoughts and prayers be with you and your family.
I live IN PA and Pittsburgh and a wonderful Childrens Hospital. It may be something to check into or they may have some information to help on a doctor/surgeon that you are looking for.
Prayers and hugs,
My prayers for with you and your family! God holds this baby girl in the palm of His hand!
God bless you and your family!
Heather, I just read this on my board. I am so sorry to her about this. But I know that the medical field has come a long way and the Lord will be watching over little Emily. I'm adding my prayers and positive thoughts to go along with many others. Please let your sister know that we are all praying for them.
Heather I am so sorry to hear about that sweet baby girl!! I will pray for her and your family. God Bless you all!~Wendy
Very, very hard on everyone. I hope, in the end, all comes out OK.
heather, your family is in my thoughts..........
She's a cutie... keeping her in my thoughts for a very speedy recovery ...
I am so sorry to hear about Emily. I will keep Emily and her family in my thoughts and prayers.
Your niece will definately be on my prayer list. I don't know if you've read all of my blog, and I don't want to brag, but God answers my prayers. I can't imagine what Jennifer and all the family must be going through, but you're faith in healing comes from God, so turn to him!
My second son had this condition. Dr.Jimenez and his wife Dr. Barone have created a method of treating this condition much more humanely than what we would have had to go through. You can find out more at
My prayers are with you!
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