Many Thanks goes over to Gigi at http://happilyeverafter2002.blogspot.com/
She awarded me and I'm so happy to meet a new Bloggy Friend! As Gigi requested, I will share this reward with blogs that show sweetness, thoughtfulness, and kindness. It will take me a day or 2 to pass this on, many of you have stopped accepting blog awards. If you still accept them Please take this award with my Blessings!
Today I had to take my oldest DD (10) to the DR's for a mole on her back, it has been getting larger as she grows each year, she was born with it but with constant hair brushing and with Bras in the future it really is in a bad place. The DR is concerned with the shape of it right now, in the next couple of weeks I will need to take her to Childrens Hospital to have it removed and then they will do testing on it. It sounds like an easy procedure and I don't want to "borrow" trouble by thinking of "What-ifs". We will just have to see how it turns out.
I really haven't done any crafting lately and have been dealing with colds and enjoying the nice temps here...I have cleaned up my garden and started my spring cleaning.
Hope ya'll are enjoying your Wednesday!
Hello Heather; Congratulations on the award, how sweet of Gigi.
I know what you mean about colds and not getting a crafting done, I have not been able to either. I wish I could get out in my yard, we have been having lots of rain and our yard is a lake. lol But the days are getting warmer... yea....
Congrats on your award!
And know that you have many friends praying for you and your family. I hope the mole is easily removed and won't cause any further problems.
Congrats on your award ;)
Hope everything turns out just fine for your daughter.
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