I'm going to try to get started on Preschool for lil guy..He is 4 now and showing interest when his sister's are doing their homework. Any ideas on sites where I can print off pages for numbers and ABC's..What has worked for you?
On another note..We are having trouble with the school and Crystal..I'm so upset that I can hardly put into words my thoughts...They have recommended that we put Crystal on meds for ADD even though we have seen no signs of this in our home..She is struggling in 2 subjects in school but making good grades in the other subjects...After doing some on-line research we (DH and I ) have decided to remove the TV's in the house (It has been studied that in kids watching TV and ADD go together)..We are leaving one TV in the basement to use as a reward to watch DVD's on but we have total control over what they watch. I'm having Crystal start reading out loud to me this summer, 1 chapter a night.
We might pull Crystal out of the public school and into a Christian school.
I'll post more after I calm down.
Hey Heather,
Dollar Tree has really good workbooks for prek age, letters and numbers n such. Noggin.com also has prek activities.
Jeremy, my husband, was just diagnosed with ADHD a year ago. He struggled through his entire life not just in school but outside of school. He grew up thinking that he just wasn't the smartest person in the world because no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't do well in school. But when he takes IQ tests, he gets REALLY high scores! He can't remember much. He has trouble focusing so he either can't concentrate and get on task or he becomes too locked in and can't pull himself away. There is far more to it than just having trouble at school and you said that she's doing pretty well in most subjects so I would question that, too.
The sad fact is that many kids are being treated with ADD/ADHD that don't have it and it's giving the whole disorder a bad rap. Now people think it doesn't exist but I will tell you, I noticed a HUGE difference in Jeremy once he started the medication. He's not as moody and cranky because he's not fighting his brain to focus and can get more done in a day.
TV doesn't cause ADD/ADHD, but it is a bad thing for people with it. It sucks them in, yes, because there is so much stimulation going on. So it is best to limit the amount of time it's on. The other thing you have to remember is that you can't really talk to them while TV is on and have a real conversation. (Jer doesn't hear anything I say if he's watching TV...so I have to go, stand in front of him and talk to him.) And that would probably mean that it's not a good idea to have things like that going when she's studying or doing homework.
I met a woman a few years back on a Prim board who is an ADD coach. She has a blog for students with some good advice... ADD Student She also has one for mothers suffering from the disorder themselves. I go there and read sometimes and pull what I can from what she's writing to relate to things going on with Jer. It helps a lot. When I get really frustrated and annoyed, I have a few sites that I go to and read and remind myself that Jer can't help it...that helps, too!
Good luck with whatever you find out...
My youngest Eleni struggled we bought her the Reader Rabbit work books and disc for the computer. They really helped her.
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