I took this lil pic which I have had since I was a teenager and after seeing everyone's monogrammed framed pics that I-oh-so-dearly-wanted-but-can't-afford-today..I turned it into this...

It turned out Cute and will sit upon a painted white shelf as soon as the shelf dries. Do I paint the frame or leave it as is...still pondering... It took no money and less then 5 minutes!
I LOVE http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/ Please go visit and see what other Ladies are doing at Metamorphosis Monday!
How cute that turned out!
I love it! Great transformation!
Hi Heather; Oh wow what a huge transformation. I just love it,, by the way can I ask how you did it, did you sew it or paint it.. or what. it is just gorgeous.... now this is just my opinion but I think a black or med, gray would really pop out the monogram but that is just my thinking.... any why you do it... it will be lovely....
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