Today the kids have no school because of the weather..SNOW and more FREEZING RAIN..UUGHGH..so I have C helping me cut out coupons. I have gotten into the habit of taking my beat up coupon binder with me at all times now. We were thinking of something to do with the coupons that I don't use..We thought we could send them to Coupons for the Military...Do any of you have an address or a way for me to look up some info on this..I have read somewhere out in blogland about this but now I can't remember where.

On Saturday we met my mom and sister at Olive Garden to celebrate my sister's 18th b-day party, We got the special treatment for her, the whole cake and Happy Birthday song..it was so much fun to surprise her and it was such good food!!

Early Sunday morning lil guy decided he was going to pick up our tom cat that was sleeping in the laundry room, this is his forehead after the attack, not sure how it happened but the cat freaked, Lil guy has a very bad scratch next to his eye which resulted in a morning trip to the ER..he is now on tons of meds and the cat stays outside from now on. I won't show a pic of his eye...He looks like someone hit him and gave him a shiner!
Poor guy that looks painful. We had our cats declawed and I have never regretted it.
I am a coupon clipper also. These days you almost have to clip. EVery penny helps.
No snow here where I live in VA. I'd love to see some snow.
We're under a winter advisory tonight. It's supposed to be ice, sleet and snow on top of that. We'll see. So far, they've predicted and we never get it. I'd rather have snow, but it looks like we don't have a say! lol!
Gosh, I'm so sorry about the cat scratches! We're thinking of having our cats declawed.
Do you get your coupons from your local paper, or do you find some online? I need to do more of that!
Snow! I'm tired of snow. We've had 111 inches so far this year, and it's snowing now.
Here's the addy you are looking for. Did you know you can send expired up to 6 months.
Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator
ACS-10th ASG
Unit 35115
APO AP 96376-5115
Have a great day!
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