My Kroger's here in town is offering a limited time special of Double Doubling their coupons, between the coupons and store brand I did alright!
While G'ma watched the kids today DH and I went to our local Aldi's to check them out, it has been months since I was in there, before the remodel. We were very surprised with the prices and selection. We grabbed some canned goods and lots of PB&J for the kids.
This is a very well stocked pantry for us, Hopefully when old-man Winter comes knocking I'll be prepared..lol..I still want to get paper products..I'll see what CVS has tomorrow.
Don't forget to grab you Sunday paper, there will be at least 5 inserts of Coupons! Might have to buy 2 this time!
I hope everyone is enjoying their Weekend, I'm Tivo'ing "You've Got Mail" right now so that I can watch it tonight after the kids are in bed..One of my Fav. Movies!
Oh I love "You've Got Mail"...Tom Hanks is one of my all time favorite actors.
Aldi's is my favorite stores for pantry stocking...the prices are the best!
I shop at Sam's Club for the paper products...and a local meat market for my meat.
Wish we had a Kroger's close by...I would hitting up those coupons too.
Have a nice weekend!
Wish we had a Krogers, sounds like they always have such cood deals! Can't wait to see the coupons in tomorrow's paper!
Looks like a great stockpile!
I'm also anxious to see the coupon inserts tomorrow. I just cleaned out all of the expired coupons tonight from my coupon holders. It looks like I hardly have any now!
We don't hacve Aldi near us but I heard so much about their prices so I checked one out when I was in OH in 07 and I couldn't believe the low prices. Then again, everything was a lot cheaper! Prices at Walmart there were cheaper than here as well. Trouble with so many coupons in our Sunday paper is that they are for stuff we don't use - because it is unhealthy and we don't use much prepared food. Wish there were coupons for the good stuff!! LOL
Well, that's my goal this weekend. I need to stock up my pantry and freezer. I hope we get some snow this year in VA. I don't think we have gotten any accumalation in 4 or 5 years. The children are due for a day off of sledding and hot chocolate.
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