Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring has Sprung

It's warming up here in FL. Each new day the temps rise and it's the perfect time to start opening up the windows and get your gloves ready for planting flowers.
I have bought a little Herb Planter for my kitchen window, lots of sun shining through here in the afternoons. 
I bought this at Home Depot for under $8.00. Now I have fresh Basil, Oregano and Parsley. 

I moved my Ponytail plant over here and it seems to like this little wall so far. 
Next weekend we plan on buying some flowers for our outside patio but for now we are back to school after a nice Spring Break. 

What houseplants, if any, do you have?


Deb said...

We don't have any houseplants because the cats won't leave them alone. I miss having plants! Even to put them up high or in hanging baskets, the infamous naughty kitty Minion would find a way to get them.


Dips Recipes said...

Hi, thanks for posting this