Wendy's surgery went very well, it was not as long as the Dr thought and it turned out to be a fairly simple fix. It was a bit of scar tissue from the radiation, the Dr sniped it and the lower intestine bounced right back into place, she is eating and holding foods down and yesterday she was able to get up and walk to the nurses station and outside for some fresh air, the Dr is slowly weaning her off the pain meds but she is no hurry to go home, she wants to feel 100% first. It was a Blessing to be there and cheer her up after surgery. I was able to go because my mom and DHs mom took the time to watch the kids and get them to school for us, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
While Wendy was sleeping after surgery that night DH and I found a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater, so very funny, more a comedy than a mystery. I had never been to one and I'd love to find another one around my area one day. The food was not very good but it was great to laugh after the worry and stress.
On the way home we stopped in Tennessee at "The Lost Sea Adventure". It's an hour long tour thru an cave which leads you to a underground lake. I was able to grab some pics and will post those in my next blog.
After being away for 3 days I have more laundry than I can handle in one day and I have to jump right back into Mommyhood which I'm finding is not so easy..Am I the only one that finds it hard after being away for a long time. How do you handle the transition?