I want to wish all of you, My Dear bloggy friends a Happy New Year!
We have had some rough patches in 2008, I'm looking forward to a much improved 2009!
I thought I'd start the New Year with an update on HOSS, Since he is now 20 We think that he has earned the right to be a pasture pal. This means that in the summer if we can afford it we will be looking for another "bombproof" horse. Crystal is so excited about this. We have to see how much overtime they work DH at his new job first. Today I'm running to the Vets for some pain meds for HOSS as his Ringbone is acting up, hence why we are "turning him out to pasture"..lol..He will be a well loved spoiled old boy for sure!
Our plans for tonight is to watch the ball drop on TV, We never go out..I like to be home and snuggled in front of the TV!
What are your plans? Do you go out and see friends or go to parties? Whatever you do have a SAFE and Happy evening!