I thought I'd join in since I look forward to reading these every Monday, for more please read http://familycorner.blogspot.com/
On my bedside table:
The Preacher's Daughter by Beverly Lewis
On my TV:
Arther on PBS (kids love this show)
On the menu for tonight:
Pork Tenderloin and mashed potatoes
Salmon for DH
On my To Do List:
Fold laundry
wash all the towels
hang newly spray painted candle holders in kitchen
stitch my napkins
New Recipe I tried last week:
In the craft basket:
pillow ideas
Looking forward to:
the sun to shine on my garden!
Homemaking Tip for this week:
Rinse out your Milk jugs into your houseplants, they love the extra calcium
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Since I'm new to this I'll start to pay extra attention from now on
Favorite photo from last week:
I didn't take any pics last week
Lesson learned the past few days:
It's harder to make new friends when your adults but it can be done
On my Prayer List:
My Sister and her family
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Again starting fresh so next Monday I'll have something.