Thursday, July 31, 2008

~Please Pray for my DH~

So 2 weeks ago DH slipped while walking to the barn, We thought that he just sprained his knee but the pain is still so intense...I finally convinced him to go to the ER..Well...He just called me and told me that he ripped some ligaments in his knee and needs an MRI tomorrow and see an Orthopedic Surgeon...He could be in a cast for quite awhile!!!!

Now he needs to talk to his Boss about taking more time off and we can't afford for him to go on dissability...

I'm freaking out here!!!

We have bills to pay, school stuff to buy for 2 kids now..Horses to feed...and no help from my family!!!

I'm gonna go cry now.....


carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this! Sending you a hug and praying that the Lord will see you all through this and provide. Hang in there!

JenW!~ said...

Sorry to hear about your Dh. That happened to my DH a few years ago. he tore ligaments in his knee at work one day and was off fore about a week but never realy had it looked at and then a few ears later it flared up and the doctor told him the ligaments were getting worse and he had to hve surgery or he would not be able to walk. So he was off work for 6 weeks. It was rough ut we managed to get by. So I feel for you.