I loaded the kids up this morning in my truck and headed out to see what was up at this garage sale, My Dh called me on is way to work and said that the country house that I admire every time we drove by was having a huge garage sale, I ran over and grabbed a few Americana items for my livingroom and stopped at a few more on the way home...Some clothes for Crystal and Abigail and a few more country items...
My prized find of the day was a Hand-stitched Apron that this women sold me ...She is getting ready to move back into town and wanted to get rid of stuff. I have to get new batteries for my camera but I'll post a pic soon!! It's in great shape, just a few yellow spots. I haven't decided if I'll keep it or sell it yet...
So I saw the other day on Crieg'sList an ad for Emergency placement of a mini horse, the couple was having to move from Indiana to Here due to a family sickness, I felt a pull to help them, talked it over with DH and we decided to call them and offer our pasture and barn for as long as they need (as long as HOSS is okay with sharing his home..LOL)...they came over and checked out our place and decided that it was a good deal and they could run more fence since the Mini is so small..last night they were here working with fence and Pipen till 9:30...Isn't that a cute name..Pipen!! I hope that it continues to work out and we get to know each other better... I'll post pics as soon as I get more batteries...LOL...
I have a Christmas post on Tues... Check back to see, I think you'll like it!
oh, can you get some pics of pipen???
i love those minatures!!
That's funny. I bought the velveteen rabbit book today too. I love the Americana stuff too. I'm decorating my porch in it. I need to take some pictures of the signs I made so I can show you.
Those Americana items are great! I can't wait to see the apron. :)
Sounds like you had a great day of garage sales. I can't wait to see the apron it sounds pretty. And what a big caring heart you have and your hubby. They must be very happy to have a place for their horse.
Jackpot!! I have a wooden toothpick holder just like that and the tin punched candle holder--I have gathered 6 of those. Americana is always a great find.
How nice to take in the pony...I bet the kids love it!
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