We were rudely awakened at 4 am Tues. morning to a HORRIBLE thunderstorm which brought hail and 100 mile per hour cross winds. Our lights flickered and then went out for good, we all fell back to sleep, the kids piled into one bed. We then woke up very late, rushed around to get out of the house and when we stepped outside this is what we found, no getting around this! Our Fav. tree, and DH had just put up a swing for the kids...so sad! It took the truck and four wheeler to get this cleared from the drive-way and then we drove around to look at the storm damage, other families were not so lucky, house/porch/car damage was the talk of the day. By 6 pm and still no power or water we went to a hotel were the kids swam and we watched t.v.
We got back to feed the horses this morning and the power was back on, we lost a few items in the fridge/freezer but the animals were fine.

DH starting to saw the tree, it had split into 4 pieces!

Alot of cleanup!

Our drive-way.

Our swing, it will be missed!
So I guess this is were we will be this weekend, outside with a chainsaw!!
Heather I can not believe my eyes. Wow I am so happy that the Lord protected your family. Love the little Angle you made, can't wait to see how you frame it. Hope you weekend is a safe one. God Bless.
I heard that some places got alot of damage. We had the lightening and rain but not much else. Thank Goodness you guys are all ok. Sorry to hear about the swing.
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