Today I'd Love to start a new Stitchery, My fingers are itching to start it, Ever craft in spurts? One week I'm busy busy and then the next I go without touching a stitchery for forever it seems!
Thank Goodness Crystal is keeping her room semi clean and makes her bed in the mornings!!
I'm also stuck in a rut for dinners...I am in the need of fast dinners that can feed a family of five and DOESN'T come out of a box!! Might go through some of my Gooseberry Patch books later today for some new ideas...
Hope everyone Enjoys their day!!
Yes, I craft in spurts :) I also do different crafts in spurts. Like I may paint all week this week and then sew next week and not touch the sewing again for three weeks. It's whatever I feel like doing :)
I haven't stitched in a few weeks but I will be shortly. A friend asked me to make her something that she noticed in my house and likes. She said she would pick up the supplies....:)
Kids rooms....nothing irritates me more! I can have the entire house clean and feel so great until I walk back that hallway and find those rooms torn up. It's the same thing every day..."Why is there a cup in your room...there isn't supposed to be any drinks back here?!" "Pick up your dirty clothes and put them back in the hamper." "Aften put your CLEAN clothes that you decided not to wear back in the drawers. Shut your drawers, close your closet." "Pick up your toys" When do they finally learn? LOL
Have a great day stitching!
i craft in spurts too!! i need to do different things or i get so i dont want to craft at all!!. i have been using alot of crockpot recipes. so easy and using the crockpot keeps the house cooler than using the oven.
I craft in spurts too, and only if it is something that I really want and am too cheap to buy! LOL!
With limtied space, I have to be selective about the things I put in here.
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have a great day!!
I like the idea of the willow stitching! And I'm not so sure that boys are messier than girls! lol! Joy is scatter brained sometimes and she starts one thing and then leaves it and goes onto another...leaving a messy trail behind her....kind of like me actually sometimes now that I think about it! :)
I think it is a toss up between boys and girls with messy rooms. haha at least it was with my two. I love to do stitching also, I am going to get ready soon I have not done any for awhile. Have a good time stitching
Yes, I craft in spurts too. I can be really dedicated and craft, craft, craft....then all of a sudden I get out of the mood and it is hard to get back in...but once I do look out:)
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