I've been thinking about my hair today too, it's very long and straight and I've never colored or had it permed...rather boring really...I'm thinking about getting it cut and donating it, I've heard of ppl doing this for Cancer patients and Wigs. How long does it need to be? I'm not sure but probably longer than mine..I'm going to call around today and see if I can get any info.
So What is your Mommy style? What do you throw on every day? Have any "Glam" it up tips?
Hey Heather!
Oooh goodness, I usually wear pilate pants and a t-shirt! hehe! At times I'll wear the jeans, but I love flip flops, so I'm definitely a comfort gal! It's sad really because my hair is usually up and my son calls me "Mom" then...if my hair goes down and I have makeup on...he says "now your Shannon"!! Haha!
I think it's great to dress up every once in a while, my family just usually see's it on Sunday! eek! Guess I need to start thinking about doing it more! Great post! Have a great day!
Hugs & smiles,
My hair is ALWAYS up, unless I go out somewhere! Im an Old Navy lounge pants kinda gal ALL of the time. Jeans used to be my thing til I got preg with Bella, ever since then no jeans, unless I go out! Its actually rather sad!
I'm growing my hair out for Locks of Love, and they require 10". You put a hair tie in at the nape of your neck, like a low ponytail, and measure from there to the tip. I was going to get a cut a few weeks ago and discovered I've only got two more inches, so I figured I could wait.
What a great caring person your are to donate your hair. Mine is cut like Victoria Beckman's only I have bangs, it's a really easy to take care of and since your hair is straight it should do nicely...just a thought:)
I'm a jeans kind of girl only I don't wear tee's, when it's really cold out I have to have a turtleneck on.
hey Heather; Well I think what you want to do with your hair is very sweet. My daughter and her two girls donated their hair. Now as for me, I have long hair I always have, hubby likes it long. I do wear jeans, and most every day I wear some type of makeup. It makes me feel better when I do my hair and face, even when I am just doing yard work and house work. silly I know but it makes me feel good.
I'm visiting from Tammy's...(I'm a Tammy, too!) ...my daughter was going to do locks of love last year but it wasn't quite long enough...think it has to be seven inches to cut but am not 100% sure on that! Now, her hair is long enough, but she's liking it long and wants to wait.
I'm having a giveaway through Friday at noon, so hope you can stop by!
My hair is in a funky style now. I've had it shorter for the last year and I love it. I have had complete strangers tell me how much they love my hair and that never happened before because it's just straight, fine hair.
I wear jeans and a t-shirt nearly every day, however, it's all in the type you wear :) The right cut of jeans can really change the look! Also, you can wear a t-shirt but there is a difference between a fitted, pretty t and say a Men's Large Nike t-shirt. My Mom was also always drilling it in my head that you can put jeans on and a shirt and throw on sneakers or put on nicer brown or black shoes and make the outfit look more dressed up. I rarely wear sneakers...thanks Mom! LOL
I fix my hair and put on make-up every day...even if I don't leave the house. It's just because it makes me feel better and I get more work done. My friends think I'm strange because many of them just lounge around in whatever they throw on and only worry when they have to go somewhere. I even have friends that only shave if it's summer or they figure it's about time to be nice to their hubby...I don't get it...I'm weird, huh?
Have a great day and good luck with the hair thing. :) If you really have never done much of anything different with it, don't go wild and chop it all off. I would go for a few inches or add layers or something and slowly work on going shorter over time!
I love my jeans and tees! I never have liked dressing up, so I am happy to wear my jeans everyday. And I would KILL for your pretty straight hair!
Cheer up, you are such a cutie. It doesn't matter what you wear!
My daughter donated her hair and it had to be 10 inches.
I think jeans is the perfect wardrobe for a mom!
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