So last Friday Crystal was home cuse of a stomach bug, in fact we were all home and lounging around in our PJ's all day. Around dinner time she went into the laundry room to throw something away, she slipped and jammed her toes into the door jamb and the corner of the wall..she got up and her toe was all twisted around and she said she couldn't feel it, I almost to get DH who was sleeping and he thought it was just out of joint...After a run to the E.R. and an X-Ray, She BROKE her toe! She has to use a special shoe called a boot and has to go to a bone specialist in 3 weeks to make sure that it has mended together properly. She has to stay off of it as much as possible, we are trying school today but I'm on stand-by if she is in to much pain she may come home. She was bored all weekend laying in bed watching Disney...She wanted to be outside with us. We had to work on the fence for HOSS, more winter preperation!
I have WON the coupons for Dog Treats that I posted about a couple of weeks ago. My dogs will LOVE these!! THANK YOU!!
Any ideas on how to get smoke smell out of a dresser? We have noticed a heavy cigerette smoke smell when we open Abigails dresser and now her clothes have a faint smell to them. We do not smoke and this is bothering her.
Awwww! So sorry about Crystals's toe! I hope it heals quickly. And congrats on your win! What a lucky girl you are!
Have a great day!
congrats on winning. try putting some newspapers in the drawer for a while. or baking soda....... or you can wipe the drawer out with white vinegar.
OUCH!!!! I stubbed my toe a couple of months ago and it just stopped being sore I can't imagine what she is feeling, poor girl!
congratulations on your winnings!!! Have a great day!~Wendy
Congrats on your win & so sorry about the toe. The only thing I can suggest is letting it air out, then trying some febreeze.
It might not be a quick fix but it needs to be cleaned thoroughly. The finished part is easy; just use regular polish like Olde English. The back and insides of the drawers need to be sprayed with white vinegar and allowed to dry. I would take it out to the garage or barn and let it sit there until it is dry. Once yo u bring it in, line the drawers with wrapping paper and put bars of your favorite soap in the drawers--like a sachet only longer-lasting.
I had the same trouble with a dresser years ago. It will get better.
Bummer about the toe. Second broken toe I've read about today. Other gal, they said they couldn't do anything but recommend rest for 2 weeks. Sounds like you may have a more thorough doctor!
Awwwwww I am so sorry to hear about Crystals broken toe. Bless her heart I pray she heals fast with little pain. Congrats; on winner the treats. Hope you all have a great week.
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