Lookie What I have! I have been honored with DH's Grandma's sewing baskets! She passed away some time ago, the family has sold the house and most of the contents but it was decided that I would have the sewing baskets. I feel very honored that they would pass these on to me, I didn't know DH's step-moms Mother very well. Inside is some great goodies, ric-rac and lace and buttons galore! I'm looking thru everything like a kid in the candy store..lol..
Thank You All for the kind word and well wishes, today I'm feeling a little better and am on the mend.
I have a great book to share with you all tomorrow for my BookWorm Friday so come back :)
I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better and what a treasure you have there. Good for you.
Awesome!! Enjoy discovering all the goodies inside.
So glad you are feeling better. What wonderful treasures must be hiding inside those baskets. ENjoy owning them!
This is FUNNY! My DB's grandmother gave me a thread box like your top picture, but goldenrod yellow rather than avocado green, and I asked for exactly that sewing box from my DB for this Christmas because it's the same one my mom had when I was a kid! What coincidences.
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