Morning All, Blogger is giving me fits this morning, I had some more pics to share but I can't upload them for some reason.
I have joined a Coupon Club here in my town and have received 3 envelopes packed with good coupons and most of them I use, I have went thru the envelopes and am ready to pass these on to the next person now but since we are slow starting up, there is no one to ship these too, only the 2 of us so far.
We have finished painting Abigails dresser and it's now in her room, did take a pic and will share later..It is white with purple knobs, We need to run out to Wal-Mart later and grab about 4 more and paint them but for now she can at least open her dresser. Her desk which we bought at a garage sale is also on the list to get painted to match her dresser..
Remember I said we ALMOST had a fire here Sunday morning and the whole house was covered in heavy smoke? Well, the heating guys came out to look at it, the same ones that put in our new A/C last summer. They openly admitted to DH that something was wired wrong and something on our new A/C is fried too...We are beyond upset...They came out on Monday, told DH that they were coming back out on Tues. and they didn't show or call!! DH took today off again to call them and talk to the manager...We are using 2 space heaters in the house and it was so COLD last night!
Here is a question, because of the fabric stinks...I had 2 orders to send off and now the pillows stink..What do I do? Is there a way to remove the smell or e-mail the ladies and tell them that I have to re-do their order? I'm so upset about this,, It's a heavy smoke/chemical smell.
I'll try to re-post pics later.
Your DD's dresser sounds great :) Paint is a wonderful, wonderful thing! All of Aften's furniture is used and you can't tell thanks to paint.
I'm sorry about your problem. I wish people would own up to their mistakes (Well they did) and make them right (Which they're not doing by lying and avoiding you). I hope you can get the issue solved quickly and without having to take legal action. It's not the time of year that you want to be without a furnace!
About your orders...I think I would try e-mailing the people first and see what they think. It's their orders and some may have a problem with it (like allergies) and others may not. Can you wash the fabric? Would something like Febreeze or some odor remover work? Try searching the web for answers.
Good luck!
My parents got a new air conditioner one time and they were outside and saw flames through the window. The furnace/a/c panel started on fire. My dad put out the fire and they were lucky to be home. Well come to find out that the installers installed it wrong...the service man even admitted it. Did my parents get any compensation back for it?? Nope. My parents aren't "loaded" so the company knew my parents wouldn't sue. It's sad people get away with those things. My parents had a big mess to clean up. :(
I know what you mean by cold...last Friday we found out that our gas tank had 6 leaks so they brought us out a new one...but there was a small leak that we had to fix. DH was under the house til late last night running new copper tubing. Called this morning and they are suppose to be out sometime today. It has turned cool here also. It was approx. 50 degrees this morning in the house 32 out.
Hope everything gets straighten out... without anymore hassles.
Blogger gave me problems this week too!
I would tell the company that did the work that if they don't resolve the problem this week AND pay for a fire clean up company to come out and clean up the smoke residure, thatyou are notifying the consumer reporter for the major network TV stations in your are abecause they LOVE to expose things like this.
Your home owners insurance my also cover smoke clean up - it is worth a try!!
The coupon club sounds great!
I hope you are able to get out the smoky smell.
Have a great weekend!
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