This guide to natural housekeeping is full of helpful advice to help you take a more sustainable path and save the planet for future generations. For example, discover how lemons, baking powder, vinegar, and water can replace the need for nasty chemical cleaning products. The old-fashioned methods described here are complemented by newer ideas and innovations, and applied not only to cleaning but also to restoring furniture and woodwork, and decorating. Also, learn how to grow and use vegetables, fruit, and herbs to make delicious treats, beauty preparations, and herbal remedies. • Follow the advice in Natural Housekeeping and find yourself living a calmer, greener life. • Enjoy the special satisfaction of preparing food you have grown yourself—fertilized with home-made compost. • You can live just as well, if not better—and probably less expensively—without hurting yourself or the planet.
About the Author
CHRISTINA STRUTT runs Cabbages and Roses, a fabric company that specializes in historic rural printed fabrics for fashion, accessories, and interiors. Cabbages and Roses has two outlets in London.
I bought this book and so far I'm really enjoying it, It's making me think about chemicals in a new light. Since my DH has so many allergies and now it seems that C might have some also I'm on the search for a better and safer way to clean. I have really not given it much thought till this year when we moved here on the mini farm and our well and weird septic system. I recycle everything I can and have started to use Dish clothes instead of sponges, do you know how many sponges end up in the landfill? My magazines go to the local Hospital here and I freecycle everything I don't need. I like the homemade detergents but I can't commit to making them, I need to find someone who makes them. So far it's a great start!
Do you or Have you started to go "Green"? Any helpful hints and tips to pass on to me?
That looks like a great book! I'll have to see if my library can get it!
Thanks for sharing!
We have mandatory recycling in our town and it really makes you think about how much you CAn recycle. I use a lot of Shaklee cleaning products because they are green. I don't use any scented sprays or air fresheners because I believe they pollute the air we breath and I only burn soy candles. Every little bit helps!
It sounds like a great book. I have started to recycle too. I think our land fills are full enough.
have a great weekend.
We do everything we can to recycle. We use our own bags in the stores. We make Lea's laundry soap. I only use vinegar and baking soda to clean drains, baking soda and peroxide to clean tubs and sinks, I add baking soda to especially dirty laundry. vinegar is great to wash countertops--keeps bugs away, flies in particular. there's a site www.lifescript.com that has 1000 uses for vinegar.
http://chesterscleanhouse.blogspot.com also a good site for cleaning ideas.
Sounds like a great book. I have made homemade laundry soap. and it works great. I need to get another batch made up. The recipe I use is a simple one. I'll send it to ya sometime soon.
We recycle, freecycle and reuse a lot too. And I was taught by my Mama how to sue baking soda and lemon juice to celan with, among other things.
Green is good!
That looks fantastic Heather! :)
I borrowed a book from the library...Organic Housekeeping...and it had similar stuff in it! It was great!!!! I Hope you enjoy your book!
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