Yesterday My MILs DH went thru his Bypass Surgery very well, It was a 5 hour surgery and around 6:00 my DH called me to tell me that he was in recovery and all was well. He will be in the Hospital for another week and then sent home..Please keep my MIL in your thoughts and prayers as she helps him recover and gain his strength back.
On the Homefront, DH has been at his new job for a week now, leaving before anyone is up and coming home after the kids are already in bed. The first week was rough as the kids were missing Dad and knew that he wasn't going to be here for dinner so they were pushing my buttons! It's like we have to learn a whole new routine, homework..chores..dinner..slow down time..bed..and then the house is so "still" for a while. I need some more "Fun" recipes for dinner the kids say...Any ideas?
I also finished the first book "Twilight" in the Vampire series and started the second book last night, I'm very surprised at how much I am enjoying these, I wasn't sure I would since it's more for the Teen scene.
It's really snowing now and it is going to get VERY COLD here in a few days...It's pretty looking outside but I'm not looking forward to getting out there and feeding HOSS.