Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Burned the Dinner!

Hoe do you get the smell of burnt food out of your house? Please tell me that I'm not the only one that does this! I walked away and got distracted and look, this is not's smoke!! I have no more candles too, need to get a few more..sigh....


SAH in Suburbia said...

I've TOTALLY had this happen. Wish I had a solution for you!

Awesome pic though - funny how we run for the camera when something crazy happens!!

Anonymous said...

I've never tried it but I have read somewhere setting out bowls of vinegar will remove odors.

Gettysburg Homestead said...

LOL I've done it with chicken on the stove...


Melanie said...

Ohhh Girl!! You are not alone. Been there done that more times than I care to count.
First thing I do is grab the smoke alarm and pull the battery out and give it a good toss. This usually gets the kids and and the dog to quit squealing.
Then open the doors and windows for the rest of the evening.
