So 2 weeks ago DH slipped while walking to the barn, We thought that he just sprained his knee but the pain is still so intense...I finally convinced him to go to the ER..Well...He just called me and told me that he ripped some ligaments in his knee and needs an MRI tomorrow and see an Orthopedic Surgeon...He could be in a cast for quite awhile!!!!
Now he needs to talk to his Boss about taking more time off and we can't afford for him to go on dissability...
I'm freaking out here!!!
We have bills to pay, school stuff to buy for 2 kids now..Horses to feed...and no help from my family!!!
I'm gonna go cry now.....
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Book Addiction!!
Hello, My name is Heather and I have a book addiction!!
I can't help myself, I see a book that I want to read, come home and it sits on my's only getting worse, I now have a pile of magazines adding up..LOL...
Here's where I'm having trouble...Play with kids...Craft...or Read... There are only so many hours in the day and I still have to do cleaning!!
Thank Goodness the Winter is coming...I can slow down then...LOL...
Do ya'll enjoy Reading? Who is your Fav. Author?
Let's add to my TBR pile!!
I can't help myself, I see a book that I want to read, come home and it sits on my's only getting worse, I now have a pile of magazines adding up..LOL...
Thank Goodness the Winter is coming...I can slow down then...LOL...
Do ya'll enjoy Reading? Who is your Fav. Author?
Let's add to my TBR pile!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Whatcha Working on Wednesday
Today is Humid and cloudy outside, It might storm this afternoon, we are enjoying our AC and watching Boomerang, the kids just got done watching the Pound Puppies...I used to watch it when I was their age and I even had a few..LOL...
Today I'd Love to start a new Stitchery, My fingers are itching to start it, Ever craft in spurts? One week I'm busy busy and then the next I go without touching a stitchery for forever it seems!
I have it all ready, a nice Willow Tree with the verse "Down By The Willow"....BUT....
I REALLY need to help Abigail clean this.....
OOppsss Richard snuck in...LOL...
I REALLY have to help Richard clean this too, MMM..Boys seem to be messier than girls!
Thank Goodness Crystal is keeping her room semi clean and makes her bed in the mornings!!
I'm also stuck in a rut for dinners...I am in the need of fast dinners that can feed a family of five and DOESN'T come out of a box!! Might go through some of my Gooseberry Patch books later today for some new ideas...
Hope everyone Enjoys their day!!
Today I'd Love to start a new Stitchery, My fingers are itching to start it, Ever craft in spurts? One week I'm busy busy and then the next I go without touching a stitchery for forever it seems!
Thank Goodness Crystal is keeping her room semi clean and makes her bed in the mornings!!
I'm also stuck in a rut for dinners...I am in the need of fast dinners that can feed a family of five and DOESN'T come out of a box!! Might go through some of my Gooseberry Patch books later today for some new ideas...
Hope everyone Enjoys their day!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Apron for Adoption~Hand-Stitched
I can't find a great home for this Lovely Apron that is hand-stitched so I'm putting it up for adoption for $10.00....E-mail me if you can give it a good home.

How is everyones Monday going? I'm busy cleaning the house and hanging pics...We have been here for 1 year and I still have family pics to hang!
Best get back to it, Enjoy your Day!!
How is everyones Monday going? I'm busy cleaning the house and hanging pics...We have been here for 1 year and I still have family pics to hang!
Best get back to it, Enjoy your Day!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
AC is being Installed!!
I'm so excited!! After not having AC for about 2 weeks they are here this morning and putting it in, now I can close my windows and dust!!
Might even get some crafting done this weekend!!
I'll be cleaning up till they leave, Have a Great Weekend Everyone!!
Might even get some crafting done this weekend!!
I'll be cleaning up till they leave, Have a Great Weekend Everyone!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Whatcha Working on Wednesday
I finished this and have an idea for a frame, It will hang in Abigail's room later on. I have no idea why this is underlined and blue..LOL...
I'm busy cleaning house and tons of laundry today since we were not able to do anything yesterday! Sorry not very exciting but I've had enough excitement for the week..LOL..
Storm Damage~Tues. Morning
We were rudely awakened at 4 am Tues. morning to a HORRIBLE thunderstorm which brought hail and 100 mile per hour cross winds. Our lights flickered and then went out for good, we all fell back to sleep, the kids piled into one bed. We then woke up very late, rushed around to get out of the house and when we stepped outside this is what we found, no getting around this! Our Fav. tree, and DH had just put up a swing for the sad! It took the truck and four wheeler to get this cleared from the drive-way and then we drove around to look at the storm damage, other families were not so lucky, house/porch/car damage was the talk of the day. By 6 pm and still no power or water we went to a hotel were the kids swam and we watched t.v.
We got back to feed the horses this morning and the power was back on, we lost a few items in the fridge/freezer but the animals were fine.
DH starting to saw the tree, it had split into 4 pieces!
Alot of cleanup!
Our drive-way.
Our swing, it will be missed!
So I guess this is were we will be this weekend, outside with a chainsaw!!
We got back to feed the horses this morning and the power was back on, we lost a few items in the fridge/freezer but the animals were fine.
So I guess this is were we will be this weekend, outside with a chainsaw!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
What Did You Do This Weekend?
This weekend we wanted to get the hay loft built but in order to do that you have to have the stalls finished first! So we finished the stalls, I had to grab my little camera and grab some pics, DH worked so hard all weekend! We now have 3 finished stalls, 1 for HOSS and 2 for the future, we are thinking about accepting a tenant and just charging a small fee, but we still need that hay loft built! We or HE will do this next payday...See the area above the stalls...that's where the hay loft will be, just a simple floor and a ladder, I want him to put up a nice railing across the whole front of it cuse I'm a scaredy cat..LOL
Here is a nice pic of redneck cutting, a truck and four wheeler as a cutting bench..LOL
See how the wood is so nice, DH did a Fab. job of putting it together!
This is the view from the back sliding door. Today it's all finished and all that's left is planking in the inside walls but if need be we could put a horse in there.
SO you ask where's DH? He ran from the camera, He hates having his pic taken..LOL...
SO you ask where's DH? He ran from the camera, He hates having his pic taken..LOL...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Meet Pipen- Our New Horsey Tenant!
Meet Pipen, She is about 30 inches tall and is about 10 yrs old. She can drive a cart and a sled in the winter. SO far the 2 get along EXCEPT for feeding time, HOSS does a good time of defending his food, she will eat anything! The owners are trying to find a house right now and are staying with family, It was an emergency placement and so DH and I are helping them out.
Hoss defending his breakfast, you better watch out when those ears are pinned back!
Pipen saying "Good Morning", She is very vocal and will talk to you all day!
A New Give-Away from a Friend!
My friend Tammy from is having a give-away, very Adorable shutters that her DH has made! She also just opened up her Etsy store.. I wish her the Best in her Exciting new project! Please go and browse her Etsy shop and enter for those Fab. shutters!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Show and Tell Thursday
I have been busy trying to clean house and stay up on the laundry...Not anything very exciting to post about but here are some pics of some upcoming projects.
Here are 2 porch tables that I found from a farm down the road, I'm thinking black spray paint to give them new life and pots of flowers.
This is an old fabric piece that I bought at a garage sale, I'm going to iron it and make a pillow out of it for my Americana living room.
Here is that Apron that I mentioned not so long ago..see all the stitches, It's ADORABLE!! I'm still deciding on keep/sell it...
My Americana mantle, I love how the white pops on the brick!
Another shot..I added the "America" stitchery next to the lamp and the magazine basket yesterday.
I'm going to be out taking pics of the new mini horse today...So far HOSS is okay with her in the pasture and very little fights about his food...We are so glad!
I'm going to be out taking pics of the new mini horse today...So far HOSS is okay with her in the pasture and very little fights about his food...We are so glad!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Whatcha Working on Wednesday
DH has made this frame out of more left over bunk bed ladder wood...We just finished hanging it in her room, She is so pleased! It's hanging above her saddle rack.
Not a big project but one that is now loveingly checked off of our to-do list!
I'm in the process of saving all my Fav. Blogs and trying to find new ones. Blogger seems to be having a fit this morning, It took me forever to post the pic!
To see more of "Whatcha Working on Wednesday" Please visit Leslie over at .....SO many fun projects to look at!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I Goofed!!
SO today I wanted to change the look of my blog, found a nice layout and saved it to my template and somehow I have Lost everything!!
Does this happen to other ppl??
So if you would like to be added as a fav. of mine please let me know so that I can add you to my NEW list...I can't remember everyone I had but I'll miss you....
Does this happen to other ppl??
So if you would like to be added as a fav. of mine please let me know so that I can add you to my NEW list...I can't remember everyone I had but I'll miss you....
Christmas in July~Tuesday
I plan on finishing the Angel and having DH make a frame and giving it to me Middle girl for Christmas...SHe hasn't has the best few years. 3 days after she was born she starting to run a temp...104 and she was sent to the Hospital where we found out that she has Hydronephrosis of the left Kidney...It has a kink in the line from the kidney to the Uethra?..which makes her get horrible bladder infections and hospital visits full of Meds. In 2006 she had a Surgery to correct the kink...We think that it has solved the problem but only time will tell. Dr's usually catch this while doing Ultrasounds but for some reason Abigail's was not noticed till after she was born.
She will love this, She is our little Angel Princess!
Monday, July 14, 2008
What Did You Do This Weekend?
I need a weekend just to rest up from my weekend! Have you ever had one of those weekends? We got up on Sat. morning and asked ourselves...What are we doing today? HAH...Should not have asked that!!
We moved screenings (crushed rock) from our blocked drive-way into the barn..I had lost count on how many trailer trips we made back and forth...This took all day Sat. and half the day on Sun. to get done.
We built 2 more stall fronts in our barn, still need to grab more wood from Lowes to finish this up on payday, DH did this..I watched...Stall fronts are way to heavy for me...LOL
I weeded my garden...still need to finish this up.
I did 3 loads of laundry yesterday while running out to help DH when he asked.
I played along with DH when he asked me to sit on this pallet so that he could scrape the driveway to level out the gravel....Sorry no pics of this but the kids sure had fun watching mom!
So what did you do this weekend?
We moved screenings (crushed rock) from our blocked drive-way into the barn..I had lost count on how many trailer trips we made back and forth...This took all day Sat. and half the day on Sun. to get done.
We built 2 more stall fronts in our barn, still need to grab more wood from Lowes to finish this up on payday, DH did this..I watched...Stall fronts are way to heavy for me...LOL
I weeded my garden...still need to finish this up.
I did 3 loads of laundry yesterday while running out to help DH when he asked.
I played along with DH when he asked me to sit on this pallet so that he could scrape the driveway to level out the gravel....Sorry no pics of this but the kids sure had fun watching mom!
So what did you do this weekend?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Garage Sale Friday!
I loaded the kids up this morning in my truck and headed out to see what was up at this garage sale, My Dh called me on is way to work and said that the country house that I admire every time we drove by was having a huge garage sale, I ran over and grabbed a few Americana items for my livingroom and stopped at a few more on the way home...Some clothes for Crystal and Abigail and a few more country items...
My prized find of the day was a Hand-stitched Apron that this women sold me ...She is getting ready to move back into town and wanted to get rid of stuff. I have to get new batteries for my camera but I'll post a pic soon!! It's in great shape, just a few yellow spots. I haven't decided if I'll keep it or sell it yet...
So I saw the other day on Crieg'sList an ad for Emergency placement of a mini horse, the couple was having to move from Indiana to Here due to a family sickness, I felt a pull to help them, talked it over with DH and we decided to call them and offer our pasture and barn for as long as they need (as long as HOSS is okay with sharing his home..LOL)...they came over and checked out our place and decided that it was a good deal and they could run more fence since the Mini is so small..last night they were here working with fence and Pipen till 9:30...Isn't that a cute name..Pipen!! I hope that it continues to work out and we get to know each other better... I'll post pics as soon as I get more batteries...LOL...
I have a Christmas post on Tues... Check back to see, I think you'll like it!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Whatcha Working on Wednesday
It's Wednesday already, WOW this week is dragging for us, guess it's cuse our AC still is not working! Only time anyone can get out here is Thurs. DH will look at it tonight but not sure what he can do, It's trying to blow air but it's not cold at all. It's real bad though cuse DH and DD both have allergies and that's why we run it all summer.
So, what have I been working on? I have finished the Flag pillow, all stitched up and I'm not so happy with how I closed it but everyone else says that it's perfect...Must be me.
I have also just finished a pillow for DD, her room is all about Horses. I was out shopping with my Mom and found this cute vintage Boot pin and added it to her pillow. I have seen these cute wooden signs with the "Cowgirl Up" so I personilized it.
DD's pillow, the back is also blue. I did tea stain this and you can see some of the lines on the pillow.
finished pillows...Sew Cute!
Your us your projects!
So, what have I been working on? I have finished the Flag pillow, all stitched up and I'm not so happy with how I closed it but everyone else says that it's perfect...Must be me.
I have also just finished a pillow for DD, her room is all about Horses. I was out shopping with my Mom and found this cute vintage Boot pin and added it to her pillow. I have seen these cute wooden signs with the "Cowgirl Up" so I personilized it.
Your us your projects!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
~A/C Broke~
Just a fast note, Our A/C broke last night and it's already 80 outside....I will post what I'm working on for Christmas later this evening when it's so much cooler in here. Hopefully we can get this fixed fast!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Whatcha Working on Wednesday
I joined Leslie's Whatcha Working on Wednesday posts...I'm excited to see what everyone is up too! I'm going to have to post a pic later because Blogger wont let me post a pic right now for some reason...How irratating!!
I'm working on my Fireplace's an ever changing project..LOL right now I have Americana up and I wanted to show a pic...Hopefully later I can do this. My fireplace is a very odd shaped one...I have one bookcase on one side and then a little niche on the other before you enter the the niche I have put a phone table and a lamp...not sure what else to put there and on the bookcase I have most of our family photo's and then the kids coloring books and whatnots. It's very messy on their shelf...LOL...
okay, pic is now up...Sorry it's so dark! It's so hard to grab a good photo in here...dark brick and poor lighting.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Christmas in July~Tuesday
I have signed up for (A Little Bit of Country on the Shore)..Christmas in July. Every Tuesday I'll post what I'm working on for Christmas. I love this idea...This year I hope not to be running around like a chicken with my head cut off..LOL I know that it's early but It's going to be a Hand-made Christmas this year...I have to get crafty.
Keep checking in for a new craft every Tuesday!
This is a pillow that I'm working on, I'm thinking about someone special here, Someone that loves Americana...hint hint! No names mentioned here...LOL.... I'm still playing around with the placement of the flag...I had extra star fabric and a pillow form so I'm using my extra stash on this project!
Here it is all laid out...I think it will end up so Cute!!
Keep checking in for a new craft every Tuesday!
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