I have been Tagged for 6 New Things at the http://thenestegg08.blogspot.com/ I'm drinking my coffee and answering e-mails..perfect time to blog!
1~I'm now in a major cleaning/organizing mode...not sure how long this will last..lol..
2~I have started to clip coupons and grab freebies like a crazy person, so far I have gotten some nice freebies in the mail and saved major moola at the store.
3~We have started to slowly move to organic cleaning and organic eating
4~I use flavored creamer in my coffee every morning, I like to try new flavors..currently using Coffee-Mate Caremel? Apple...YUMMY
5~I love the country/prim decorating look but I think I could move over into shabby-chic so easily!
6~ I have a dream of owning my own Bookstore one day, already collecting books for it...Just wish the economy was in better shape for this.
I need to pick some of you for 6 New Things...I pick YOU!! Please take the time to have fun and pass this on!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Country Sampler~SALE
I'm making more room in my magazine basket and I'm ready to pass these on. No rips or writing on them. Here are the ones that are up for grabs..My camera's batteries died on me.
Nov. 2006~ This one has damage to the cover, small tear
Jan. 2007
March 2007
May 2007
July 2007
Sept. 2007
Nov. 2007
I will mail these in a Flat Rate box? (I think that's what it's called)...From a non-smoking family house but we do have dogs.
$15.00 plus shipping costs.
Nov. 2006~ This one has damage to the cover, small tear
Jan. 2007
March 2007
May 2007
July 2007
Sept. 2007
Nov. 2007
I will mail these in a Flat Rate box? (I think that's what it's called)...From a non-smoking family house but we do have dogs.
$15.00 plus shipping costs.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thinking "Green"..New Book

This guide to natural housekeeping is full of helpful advice to help you take a more sustainable path and save the planet for future generations. For example, discover how lemons, baking powder, vinegar, and water can replace the need for nasty chemical cleaning products. The old-fashioned methods described here are complemented by newer ideas and innovations, and applied not only to cleaning but also to restoring furniture and woodwork, and decorating. Also, learn how to grow and use vegetables, fruit, and herbs to make delicious treats, beauty preparations, and herbal remedies. • Follow the advice in Natural Housekeeping and find yourself living a calmer, greener life. • Enjoy the special satisfaction of preparing food you have grown yourself—fertilized with home-made compost. • You can live just as well, if not better—and probably less expensively—without hurting yourself or the planet.
About the Author
CHRISTINA STRUTT runs Cabbages and Roses, a fabric company that specializes in historic rural printed fabrics for fashion, accessories, and interiors. Cabbages and Roses has two outlets in London.
I bought this book and so far I'm really enjoying it, It's making me think about chemicals in a new light. Since my DH has so many allergies and now it seems that C might have some also I'm on the search for a better and safer way to clean. I have really not given it much thought till this year when we moved here on the mini farm and our well and weird septic system. I recycle everything I can and have started to use Dish clothes instead of sponges, do you know how many sponges end up in the landfill? My magazines go to the local Hospital here and I freecycle everything I don't need. I like the homemade detergents but I can't commit to making them, I need to find someone who makes them. So far it's a great start!
Do you or Have you started to go "Green"? Any helpful hints and tips to pass on to me?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Whatcha Working on Wednesday
I was at Goodwill peeking thru the goods when I saw this bag of clothespins, I know that I have seen some on another blog all grubbed up so I grabbed them and now I can't remember where I saw that idea . The price was good to, only .49 cents! Do you have ideas for these darling clothespins, Please share! I am hoping to get crafting today since it's only Lil Man and I.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
An Emilee Visit and Afternoon Mail Fun!
Yesterday I ran up to the Hospital with mom to visit my Sister and say Hello to Emilee, Here is Emilee and I sitting with mommy (Mommy took the pic and wouldn't let me show any pics of her ).
Emilee fell right to sleep and slept thru our whole visit..

Later in the Afternoon when I got home look what was waiting for me, It's my Stitchery Wall-Hanging from Kimberly at mybrownbagstudio.blogspot.com , She even surprised me with one of her Green Sleeves! Thanks so much Kimberly and I'm still working on my stitchery for you!
So today brings house cleaning and coloring with the kids, we are watching Charlie again today so mom can run up and help Jenn out in the hospital for a bit. I want to get a head start and peel more Apples for some Apple Pies, Does anyone know if Apple Pies freeze well?
Enjoy your Tuesday!
Later in the Afternoon when I got home look what was waiting for me, It's my Stitchery Wall-Hanging from Kimberly at mybrownbagstudio.blogspot.com , She even surprised me with one of her Green Sleeves! Thanks so much Kimberly and I'm still working on my stitchery for you!
Enjoy your Tuesday!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Little Emilee Braelynn Samuelson is Here!

On Sat. my mom and Jenn and I drove to the Wool Gathering in Springfield OH and when we got there after about 1/2 an hour of walking Jenn was cramping so we left to grab some lunch and drive home. It was a long day but fun. So then around 2:30 in the morning I get a call that she's at the Hospital and around 6:30 Emilee was here! We all think that it was the long drive and walking..She is a Cutie!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Trying to Catch Up!
Here it is Friday and I've missed 2 days, Where was I ? I was babysitting my Niece Charlie while my Sister was getting checked out for pregnancy complications...She isn't out of the woods but she is coming into her 37 weeks and we are glad for that!
Here is a few pics of the growing puppy, Coffee is getting so big and really is glad when the kids get home from school.
She blends in well
Her and Cocoa playing this morning

Friday mail love , 4 free issues of Cosmo and a free 14 day supply of vitamins plus a coupon, love getting these freebies!
We looked all around town for an Apple Corer/peeler and finally found one and got home and we had so much fun trying it out on apples and potatoes.. I made my first Apple cobbler too and it was so yummy! Apple pies are baking this weekend.

Tomorrow is my sis's B-Day and if she gets out of the Hospital and feels up to it I'm going to bake her a cake and have her and the family over for dinner...I'm thinking about renting a movie too..Have you seen any good Chic Flicks? She loves these movies.
Here is a few pics of the growing puppy, Coffee is getting so big and really is glad when the kids get home from school.
We looked all around town for an Apple Corer/peeler and finally found one and got home and we had so much fun trying it out on apples and potatoes.. I made my first Apple cobbler too and it was so yummy! Apple pies are baking this weekend.
Tomorrow is my sis's B-Day and if she gets out of the Hospital and feels up to it I'm going to bake her a cake and have her and the family over for dinner...I'm thinking about renting a movie too..Have you seen any good Chic Flicks? She loves these movies.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
WOW, so our power went off around 4:30 on Sunday, right as I was thinking about dinner, We had leftover wind from Ike blast through here along with some other storm and got gusts up to 75 mph. The wind lasted for hours and while the kids and I were hiding under the beds my lovely DH was outside loving it! He also helped the next door neighbor with a fallen tree and helped me tie down the grill to the porch cuse it was rolling across it.. We lost many tree limps but not a whole tree this time...something worse than a tree..our run-in shelter for Hoss down in the pasture! DH was talking to the neighbor and I was on the hill watching the horses never mind the wind storm and graze when a huge gust of wind picked up the shelter and rolled it across the whole pasture! It ripped the tarp and broke many bolts clear off! The horses freaked and bolted one way and then the other so I had to put the kids in the house and run to grab DH, He had to ride the 4-wheeler down the hill because of his knee and I drove the truck..This huge run-in shelter was rolling around the pasture with metal parts falling off of it everywhere! We caught it and had to take the tarp off so it wasn't acting like a parachute anymore and we slowly grabbed the horses and walked them back up the barn and in the stalls, now later on is the hard part of finding every bit of metal in very tall grass, until then Hoss and Pipen are living in the barn. This all took about 2 hours..so we got back into the house and grabbed...nothing to drink...no power means we have no water because we have an electric well! So we had to load the kids up in the truck and drive to find something to drink..I was craving a diet coke now!! We drove about 8 miles into town and my mom had no power and a tree fell on her sidewalk and barely missed her car...The whole town of Lancaster is without power...one gas station open and boy ya should have seen the lines for that, we waited about 1/2 an hour for gas! We never found dinner and we went back and checked on my mom again and picked up my sister to come over and help. came back to more none powered up house! So we went to bed after a dinner of PB&J's to wake up at 7am to our Power! I grabbed a whole coffee pot full of the good stuff and tried to call mom but she still has no power, called her cell and she was on her way over to my house for coffee...so I had my mom and Sis plus then my other sis and her family showed up...then after lunch our power went back off for about 2 hours and we thought it was never coming back on but around 3 it came back on. So school has been canceled on Monday and now today due to lack of power and my mom said that she heard that her power should be back on around Friday Midnight. It hasn't been easy and my mom is having a rough time of it but we are not as bad as Houston, I'm praying for them down there!
Friday, September 12, 2008
A Fun Give-Away

I was Blog browsing looking for a purse/tote bag and found another give-away and she just opened her first Etsy shop. Stop by and say "HI" :) Here she is..I almost forgot...lol..http://jo-anne-thecarterclan.blogspot.com/
Mail Love and Purse Ideas
Happy Friday!! It's raining and nasty outside and I trekked out to my mailbox and found it full of Samples..I'm new to Couponing and getting Samples in the mail so this was nice to get mail other than bills today, a bright spot on this gloomy Friday :)
Now Ladies..This is my Summer tote..time to change it but I have no ideas of what's out there, I'm looking on Etsy later today while lil guy rests but I'm asking ya'll what are your Favs or do you make purses/totes?
Enjoy your Friday...Stay safe and dry :)
Enjoy your Friday...Stay safe and dry :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pillow Listed in Etsy Shop
Lunch Time Yummo
It's fun lunch time here, I watched Charlie for my Sister while she went to her OB appointment
Isn't she a Cutie!
Lil guy making a mess
Abigail hamming it up..lol..
Nothing much happening today, It's warmer than yesterday here. Enjoy your Thurs :)
Nothing much happening today, It's warmer than yesterday here. Enjoy your Thurs :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Whatcha Working on Wednesday
So today is a nice day outside, only going to be around 75! I'm thinking a nice day for the park with the lil guy since both girls are in school today. This will be a short post cuse I wanna surprise him :)
I'm finishing this Willow Tree pillow up for a swap with Kimberly from http://mybrownbagstudio.blogspot.com/...I had put it down unfinished to do a special order and now I have a reason to finish it! I hope you like it Kimberly :)
So this is my DH's office today, he has the option of working from home on some days since he is the Lead Computer Network Engineer at work...Yes, I'm bragging! He does work hard!!

And this is Church....he looks like that cat from the Stephen King Movie...I can't remember the name now...Anyone know it? Church thinks that he lives here and we come out to visit him..LOL..One of my many barn cats.
So I guess the only thing I'm working on today is my Stitchery..LOL..
And this is Church....he looks like that cat from the Stephen King Movie...I can't remember the name now...Anyone know it? Church thinks that he lives here and we come out to visit him..LOL..One of my many barn cats.
So I guess the only thing I'm working on today is my Stitchery..LOL..
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My FALL Swap from a Prim Forum
I belong to a great Prim Board and we had a FALL Swap, I got my package in the mail and WOW I'm loving everything, my house smells so good with the candle and I hung the pumpkins/sunflower cone in my kitchen. Terry sure did spoil me! Thanks so Much :)
Come over and say "HI" to everyone at "Creative Home Keepers", Great bunch of Ladies :)
My Mulch Ready Flower Beds
We worked so hard this past weekend getting the flower beds ready for some new mulch, they have been sadly taken for granted and they were showing it, now they are calling for some fresh mulch. My new mums are so pretty and are full of blooms and G'ma Terri brought a surprise on Sunday for our flower beds, a huge BOOT planter...What every farm family needs in their garden!

Woke up this morning and saw some happiness under our bird feeder, a baby sunflower, I love to look out the kitchen window and see this lil beauty standing tall!

The trumpet vine is crazy this year, we really need to cut it back again before Winter.
Yesterday I ran to Jo-Ann's with my mom and the lil guy while sissy's were in school, I saw some great Fall decorations but some of them after looking at..I think I could make it! i was also looking for the new Gooseberry Patch Fall/Autumn book but they didn't have it, I did pick up a book on "Green" Cleaning...Very interested in this!
Enjoy your Tues.! It's rainy here this morning and I'm enjoying it with my coffee :)
Yesterday I ran to Jo-Ann's with my mom and the lil guy while sissy's were in school, I saw some great Fall decorations but some of them after looking at..I think I could make it! i was also looking for the new Gooseberry Patch Fall/Autumn book but they didn't have it, I did pick up a book on "Green" Cleaning...Very interested in this!
Enjoy your Tues.! It's rainy here this morning and I'm enjoying it with my coffee :)
Monday, September 8, 2008
A Fun Give-Away
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Bittersweet Or Not?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Fall Decorating ~part 2
Today is Abigail's second day of school, she was so happy to ride the bus again with Sissy..She is now starting her full schedule of EVERY other day..I just wish it was every day..she gets sad on her days off...so far! Since it's just the lil man and I ...we are going to go visit G'ma today.
Enjoy your Fri :)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Decorating for Fall, Would Enjoy it More if it Wasn't in the 90's
I've started to Decorate for Fall, I pulled my boxes from the basement and found out that I have a huge lack of decorations unlike some of you!
Here's a question for ya'll, how do you get your house to smell yummy WITHOUT using candles?
HOSS and Pipen waiting for breakfast this morning
My mums that DH surprised me with last night, It has been way to hot to pull weeds but this weekend is chore time!
My Scarecrow that DH came home with, He Welcomes you as you pull into the drive.
Fall wreath at the back door, We use the back door only now.
My bay window, pine cones..dried flowers.. pumpkin..smells good in this corner!
This pic didn't turn out great but I put orange lights on the mantle and little pumpkins on the sides of the Freedom sign.
Added this little Scarecrow Welcome sign to the telephone table.
Here's a question for ya'll, how do you get your house to smell yummy WITHOUT using candles?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Whatcha Working on Wednesday
I have been busy finishing this pillow which was a special order, It's not very big..I focused in on it for detail. The angel is a diff. blue than the words and I like how the backing turned out on this! It's lightly stained too. I do hope she enjoys this little Angel!

I have also started on my very first T2T project, I was given thsi old Home Interiors Mirror, I like the frame and had a Stitching Idea come to me this weekend, I took out the mirror and will Stitch our Last name and frame it. I got far last night but today I need to run to Wal-Mart for some of that great $1.00 spray paint..Wish me Luck cuse I've never spray painted a thing!!

So today I'm cleaning and doing laundry, I have started to decorate my house for Fall and I'm excited about the pics...Will post them soon! Enjoy your Wed. :)
I have also started on my very first T2T project, I was given thsi old Home Interiors Mirror, I like the frame and had a Stitching Idea come to me this weekend, I took out the mirror and will Stitch our Last name and frame it. I got far last night but today I need to run to Wal-Mart for some of that great $1.00 spray paint..Wish me Luck cuse I've never spray painted a thing!!
So today I'm cleaning and doing laundry, I have started to decorate my house for Fall and I'm excited about the pics...Will post them soon! Enjoy your Wed. :)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day Apple Picking

G'ma Terri came over this weekend for a short visit and our First Apple Picking Day! We checked the Apples and some were ready to be picked but others need some more time in the sun. We think around the middle of the month..of course we are not really sure, first time having an apple tree (and we have 5)!
Yesterday we had a BBQ with my mom and sisters..We sat around and watched" No Reservations" and "Becoming Jane" plus we ate way to much cake!
Please help me out and send me your Apple Recipes..I'm going to attempt to make a pie, applesauce and hopefully Apple Butter...and with 5 trees...I better get cracking!
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